1910 W. Main St
Barstow, CA, 92311
760-256-8408 and 800-732-8382

                                BARSTOW FLOWER SHOP 


                ~ Go for the #WOW this Valentine's Day! ~


    #valentinesday #iloveyou #galentinesday #bemine   


   From birthdays and anniversaries to just because, we are glowing with rich colors for every occasion. Come see our truly original Collection of Bouquets, Centerpieces, Wreaths, Blooming Plants, Candles, Baby, Country, Gifts and much more.

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Day Dream Bouquet

Day Dream Bouquet


Day Dream Bouquet


Send her this truly original bouquet of lovely roses, daisy poms, stock, alstroemeria and monte casino in shades of pink and purple. Delivered in a stylish purple glass vase to bring out the richness of color -- and help you express yourself perfectly.

Mixed Rose Bouquet

Mixed Rose Bouquet


Mixed Rose Bouquet


With a look as sweet as spun sugar, this fresh and lovely bouquet of pastel roses makes a welcome way to celebrate your mother, any special occasion or express any heartfelt wish. Lavender, pink, coral and cream colored roses create a loving harmony of springtime colors that will be long remembered, all beautifully hand-arranged by a clear glass vase.  24 roses


1 Dozen Roses - $139.99

18 Roses- $189.99

Royal Rose Treatment

Royal Rose Treatment


Royal Rose Treatment


Cast a bright, happy aura of sweet and lovely pink over any happy occasion-even the "mother of all days," Mother's Day with a fairy tale bouquet, fit for a queen. This sumptuous bouquet of roses in delightful shades of pink, are simply spectacular, arranged in a heavy, pink glass contemporary vase designed to complement any decor, anywhere in the home or office. Better - 18 roses Best 24 roses

Good- $139.99 1 dozen

Better - $199.99 18 roses     

Sweet Surprise

Sweet Surprise


Sweet Surprise


Sending a Sweet Surprises® Bouquet by FTD® is an absolutely charming way to send your warmest sentiments. Pink mini carnations, hot pink rose stems, white traditional daisies and lush greens are sweetly situated in a classic clear vase accented with a perfectly pink designer ribbon to create a bouquet that will delight your special recipient at every turn.

Rose Elegance Pink

Rose Elegance Pink


Rose Elegance Pink


1 dozen soft pink roses make a beautiful gift for the lovely lady in your life. Wife, mother, daughter or sweetheart, she's sure to cherish this bouquet of pastel pink roses accented with seeded eucalyptus and arranged in a clear glass vase.

Be My Love

Be My Love


Be My Love


Add some romance with this rich arrangement of luxurious flowers in classic Valentine’s colors. Red roses, white lilies and playful daisies are gathered in a ruby red vase! 

Rose Elegence Mix

Rose Elegence Mix


Rose Elegence Mix


Every rose has a different meaning, and our stunning collection of four different varieties says it all ? beauty, love, happiness, grace.

This bouquet includes the following: mixed roses and an assortment of lush greens.

You can upgrade this arrangment from 6 roses, 1 dozen roses, 18 roses, 2 dozen roses

Rose Elegence Red Long Stem

Rose Elegence Red Long Stem


Rose Elegence Red Long Stem


One Dozen Red Roses. Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful long stem red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a glass vase, this bouquet is a gift to her heart from yours.

Deluxe- Eighteen red roses.Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase.

Premium- Twenty-four red roses. Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful long stem red roses.
